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Bloomsbury Research Methods for Education: Research Methods for Education in the Digital Age by Maggi Savin-Baden read FB2, PDF, DOC


"What is research in education? And what is it for in a digital age?" Reflecting upon these questions, this engaging introduction provides critical discussion over the dilemmas of researching education in a digital age and ways forward through research in this complex area. """Research Methods for Education in the Digital Age" begins by outlining forms of education that are seen as digital, such as virtual, blended, immersive learning, examining the extent to which these are different or just adapted versions of earlier methods and approaches to education. Maggi Savin-Baden and Gemma Tombs go on to examine current practices in research, identifying the successful adoption and adaption of theories and present practical guidance on new and emerging methodologies, methods, and analytical practices for undertaking educational research in this area. New methodologies discussed include viral methodologies, digital arts-based inquiry and digital visual methodologies as well as discussing adaptations of widely used methods like ethnography to the specific needs of researching digital teaching and learning. The book concludes by outlining the major challenges faced by today's digital researchers, exploring approaches to digital ethics, digital data collection, analysis and dissemination and suggests helpful ways of dealing with the complexities and ethical challenges of undertaking research in and for digital spaces. Using case studies, research tips, a glossary and annotated further reading, the authors take a step by step approach from conceptualizing the research ideas, selecting the appropriate method to the dissemination of the findings. At a time when education is changing rapidly with digital and technological advances, "Research Methods for Education in the Digital Age" is essential reading for educational researchers wanting to undertake sound and rigorous research in the digital domain.

Read online ebook Bloomsbury Research Methods for Education: Research Methods for Education in the Digital Age by Maggi Savin-Baden in TXT, DOC

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