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Read book Wiley Series on Communications Networking and Distributed Systems: Web-Based Management of IP Networks and Systems by Jean-Philippe Martin-Flatin FB2, EPUB


Building on the author's extensive experience in industry and government agencies, this book proposes a general framework for integrating the management of networked systems in the IP world. The Web-based Integrated Management Architecture (WIMA) leverages XML's self-description capability to integrate SNMP data and CIM objects in a seamless manner. The first part of the book begins with a detailed analysis of SNMP; it highlights its strengths and weaknesses and justifies the need for object-oriented information models such as CIM. Next, the author summarizes the different paradigms considered in management research and industry in the past decade, compares the suitability of different middleware solutions, and concludes that with current technologies, Web-based management makes a lot of technical sense and is not just trendy. The second part goes into software engineering detail and discusses tradeoffs for organizing manager-to-agent communication. In WIMA, agents publish the monitoring data and notifications they can send, and management applications (managers) subscribe to them in a semi- or fully automated way. The same publish-subscribe paradigm is used for manager-to-manager communication, when managers are organized hierarchically to manage a large domain or different domains. We explain why this solution decreases network overhead and improves scalability. Security issues are also investigated. The third part of the book presents the high-level design of JAMAP, a research prototype that implements the main components of the WIMA architecture. Its code is freely available and released under the GPL license. This prototype is currently being ported to Web Services. Finally, the author compares WIMA with SNMP, WBEM/CIM and JMX and concludes that WBEM could evolve into WIMA in the future. This book is primarily aimed at software architects and engineers who design and write management applications. It should also be of interest to administrators and people who are versed into management architectures., Building on the author?s extensive experience in industry and government agencies, this book proposes a general framework for integrating the management of networked systems in the IP world. The Web-based Integrated Management Architecture (WIMA) leverages XML?s self-description capability to integrate SNMP data and CIM objects in a seamless manner. The first part of the book begins with a detailed analysis of SNMP; it highlights its strengths and weaknesses and justifies the need for object-oriented information models such as CIM. Next, the author summarizes the different paradigms considered in management research and industry in the past decade, compares the suitability of different middleware solutions, and concludes that with current technologies, Web-based management makes a lot of technical sense and is not just trendy. The second part goes into software engineering detail and discusses tradeoffs for organizing manager-to-agent communication. In WIMA, agents publish the monitoring data and notifications they can send, and management applications (managers) subscribe to them in a semi- or fully automated way. The same publish-subscribe paradigm is used for manager-to-manager communication, when managers are organized hierarchically to manage a large domain or different domains. We explain why this solution decreases network overhead and improves scalability. Security issues are also investigated. The third part of the book presents the high-level design of JAMAP, a research prototype that implements the main components of the WIMA architecture. Its code is freely available and released under the GPL license. This prototype is currently being ported to Web Services. Finally, the author compares WIMA with SNMP, WBEM/CIM and JMX and concludes that WBEM could evolve into WIMA in the future. This book is primarily aimed at software architects and engineers who design and write management applications. It should also be of interest to administrators and people who are versed into management architectures., The management of IP networks and systems is based on the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) and the SNMP management architecture. This poses a number of problems some are related to the scalability and expressiveness of SNMP, others to the way the design of SNMP-based management platforms historically evolve. This work covers this subject.

Read online book Wiley Series on Communications Networking and Distributed Systems: Web-Based Management of IP Networks and Systems by Jean-Philippe Martin-Flatin in FB2, DJV, EPUB

As more companies become become players in the markets connected to the Internet of Things, analytics will require an intelligent system engineering approach to drive a healthier business.A final chapter probes the still-evolving role of intelligence work in the new world of disorder and ethnic conflict, from the high-tech wonders of the Gulf War to the surprising involvement of the French government in industrial espionage.Features: Use with Windows® 7, 8 or 10.The plan takes the three primary Cloud service layers (IaaS, PaaS, & SaaS) and adds to them a new dimension paralleling the evolution of today s networks (and network topology / connectivity paradigms).A series of case-studies are used to demonstrate how GIS can enhance environmental science and engineering design and analysis.Applications of Neural Networks in High Assurance Systems' is the first book directly addressing a key part of neural network technology: methods used to pass the tough verification and validation (V & V) standards required in many safety-critical applications.Computational science plays a vital role in fundamental advances in biology, physics, chemistry, astronomy, and a host of other disciplines.In looking at the encounter between activist cultures and digital capitalism, the book focuses in particular on the tension created by self-centered communication processes and networked-individualism, by corporate surveillance and data-mining, and by fast-capitalism and the temporality of immediacy.It builds on the understanding that computational networks are a tool to derive or verify hypotheses by applying computational techniques to large scale network data., This comprehensive introduction to computational network theory as a branch of network theory builds on the understanding that such networks are a tool to derive or verify hypotheses by applying computational techniques to large scale network data.Addresses the main concepts and features of the IoT paradigm Describes different architectures for managing IoT platforms Provides insight on trust, security, and privacy in IoT environments Describes data management techniques applied to the IoT environment Examines the key enablers and solutions to enable practical IoT systems Looks at the key developments that support next generation IoT platforms Includes input from expert contributors from both academia and industry on building and deploying IoT platforms and applications, The Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm promises to make any electronic devices part of the Internet environment.