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Sarah Garland - The Complete Book of Herbs and Spices book FB2, DJV


A beautifully illustrated and lovingly researched exploration of herbs andpices: their history, cultivation and uses, both familiar and forgotten. Theomprehensive modern herbal lists nearly 300 plants and is complemented byelicate botanical watercolours. Instructions on growing and harvesting herbs,hether in a garden or a window box, are supplemented with practicalpplications: herbs in cooking, natural cosmetics, herbal remedies and otherousehold uses - dyes, soaps, potpourris and pomanders. The book isllustrated throughout with more than 300 specially commissioned colourhotographs and step-by-step diagrams. Sarah Garland's original approach andntimate familiarity with the plants she describes make The Complete Book oferbs & Spices a book to be used, enjoyed and treasured., A beautifully illustrated and researched exploration of herbs and spices: their history, cultivation and uses, both familiar and forgotten. The comprehensive modern herbal lists nearly 300 plants and is complemented by delicate botanical watercolours. Instructions on growing and harvesting herbs, whether in a garden or a window box, are supplemented with practical applications: herbs in cooking, natural cosmetics, herbal remedies and other household uses - dyes, soaps, potpourris and pomanders. The book is illustrated throughout with more than 300 specially commissioned colour photographs and step-by-step diagrams. Sarah Garland's original approach and familiarity with the plants she describes make this a book to be used, enjoyed and treasured., A splash of herbs and spices certainly makes life and food a little more interesting. This beautifully illustrated and well-researched exploration of herbs and spices-their history, cultivation and uses-is full of flavour. A comprehensive herbal guide lists 300 plants and is illustrated throughout with over 300 colour photographs and step-by-step diagrams."Outstanding both in its appearance and the detail of its text." -Daily Telegraph, ECOOP '09: European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Jul 06, 2009-Jul 10, 2009 genova, Italy. You can view more information about this proceeding and all of ACMs other published conference proceedings from the ACM Digital Library:, Revised and updated edition of the definitive guide to herbs and spices: their history, cultivation and uses.

The Complete Book of Herbs and Spices by Sarah Garland EPUB download

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