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Book The Legal Guide for Museum Professionals by Julia Courtney EPUB, DOC, MOBI


Museums are multi-faceted institutions that reach across all disciplines and encounter a complex range of legal questions. Experts in museum and art law will join forces in this essay-format volume. These unique, non-profit cultural organizations face a myriad of legal concerns as they launch into the 21st century and will continue to require specific guidance. From intellectual property law to navigating the hazards of social media, de-accessioning concerns to governance law, copyright, intellectual property law and rights and reproduction questions to issues of public trust, The Legal Guide for Museum Professionals seeks to provide answers and action steps for mid to small-sized museums of all disciplines. This book will assist museums with limited resources as well as those with healthy endowments in determining when to seek professional legal counsel and when it may be more efficient to educate themselves and proceed on their own. A panel of experts who have presented at numerous regional and national conferences for museum professionals are especially practiced at providing insight into current legal concerns. Contributors include Gil Whittemore Esq. of Rath, Young and Pignatelli, P.C. and Chair of the American Bar Association s Museum Law Committee; Katherine E. Lewis Esq. Vice Chair of the American Bar Association s Museum Law Committee and practicing New York attorney; Mark S. Gold Esq. practicing attorney in Williamstown, MA with the firm of Parese, Sabin, Smith & Gold LLP who has written and edited extensively on all aspects of museum and art law.", Museums are multifaceted institutions that reach across all disciplines and encounter a complex range of legal questions. Experts in museum and art law join forces in this essay-format volume. These unique, nonprofit cultural organizations face a myriad of legal concerns as they launch into the twenty-first century and will continue to require specific guidance. From intellectual property law to navigating waters of social media, de-accessioning concerns to governance law, copyright, and rights and reproduction questions to issues of public domain and public trust, The Legal Guide for Museum Professionals seeks to provide answers and courses of action for museums of all disciplines. This book will assist professionals in determining when to seek professional legal counsel and when to educate themselves and proceed on their own. The book was inspired by a panel of experts who have presented at numerous regional and national conferences for museum professionals are especially practiced at providing insight into current legal concerns, including: Gil Whittemore Esq. of Rath, Young and Pignatelli, P.C. and former Chair of the American Bar Association s Museum Law Committee; Katherine E. Lewis Esq. Chair of the American Bar Association s Museum Law Committee and practicing New York attorney; Mark S. Gold Esq. practicing attorney in Williamstown, MA with the firm of Parese, Sabin, Smith & Gold LLP who has written and edited extensively on all aspects of museum and art law. All three contributed to this volume."

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The book, therefore, is an indispensable guide to anyone interested in this new, important and constantly-evolving juridical body., Victims' Rights and Advocacy at the International Criminal Court undertakes the first detailed exploration of the unique role played by atrocity crimes victims in cases before the ICC.This book uses some of the most significant real-life legal cases to help students develop their knowledge about the relationship between business and the legal system.The ICC in fact guarantees to victims the historic right to participate in the actual proceedings before this first, and only, permanent international court of criminal justice.In this way, Café learning enables even very large groups to think together creatively in a single, connected conversation.Each brief has a succinct statement of the rule of law/black letter law, description of the facts, important points of the holding and decision, and concurrences and dissents included in the casebook excerpt.Quicknotes are short definitions of the legal terms used at the end of each brief.